Showing posts with label PC Nitwits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PC Nitwits. Show all posts

Monday, June 05, 2017

It Takes a Special Kind of SOB to Stab Anyone and a Gang of Very Special SOBs to Stage a Fake PC CNN Feel-Good Protest

Image result for woman stabbing victims London june 2017London Bridge terror attack First victim of London Bridge massacre identified as "beautiful" Canadian bride-to-be Chrissy Archibald. She was butchered by the son of a bitch bleeding out on the London sidewalk. 

Have any of you been stabbed?  I worked as a meat cutter for Jewel Foods in the late 1960's and bear the scars from accidental ( I hope) stabbings to my wrist, thigh and arms.  We wore chain-mail gloves when cutting huge pieces from beef, pig and lamb carcasses.  We were especially careful with one another, but accidents do happen. I was cut about eight or ten times and only needed stitches for three slices to my lard.  Nothing too horrific, but a sharp blade cuts deep and really begins to hurt hours later. 

I gained a deep and abiding respect for the trade and what the tools can do to living flesh.  There is also a deep sympathy in my heart for stabbing victims.

A gun takes no amount of will, courage, or hate to let fly at another person.  It is a coward's weapon of choice. A bat, length of pipe and especially a knife requires a true psychopathic person to bring on the suffering.

You must be some kind of deeply disturbed and rotten human being to beat or stab another human being to death.  You are a practiced son of a bitch, if you can do either. This London hero witnessed the stabbers and helped the police knock them off.  Here is a compelling report from the London Mirror: 

You must practice to this kind of violence. This could not have been the ISIS trio's first rodeo.
Practice on small and large animals, graduated to harming small and harmless people and perfected in the act of murder to 'send a message.'

I can understand the hate and frustration that might volcano into a passionate stabbing of a person by a person who has had some conflict - eating the last pizza slice, or kissing the wrong girl - but to conduct a stabbing rampage on anonymous people as a gift to Allah?  That is some sick stuff.

In London, this past weekend, the world once again witnessed the devout disciples of the Religion of Peace run-over and stab scores of people going about their lives, only a few weeks after their brethren set off shrapnel spewing bomb vests a concert hall full of little girls.  By Allah's beard, these are not Mormons doing this, nor are they Knights of Columbus, Greek Orthodox monks and sure as hell are not members of B'nai B'rith.  They are Muslims.

The IRA were Catholic lads.  The UVF were Protestant Boys.  They were sectarian sons of bitches who blew up one another as well as non Celts. ISIS is not a secular club.

Muslims are victims as much as non-Muslims.  However, the stabbing, beating, beheading, butchering and vehicle assaulting sons of bitches tune-up at Mosques and not around  Salvation Army kettles. CAIR never comes down hard on terror.   CAIR is Sinn Fein with a Koran.

Our secular theology of global ecology hootenanny harmony is the dogma attached to those who benefit from  terror, science jihad and wealth redistribution scams.  CNN is one of the most oily, obvious and obnoxious defenders of Globalist Secular Theology - No God, No Master but Mammon.

Immediately after the horrific stabbings and crushings of innocent tourists and Londoners.  CNN offered this:

I saw it and felt in my heart, " This is pure bullshit, worthy of PBS."  I read quite a bit and one source I choose is from Israel Artuz Sheva 7.   Israel knows all about the stabbing for Allah trope.  Image result for terrorist repeatedly stabbing womanTheir site offered a confirmation of my suspicions.

And they offered insight to the goings on behind the cameras and mic-booms.

The reporter narrating the segment is Becky Anderson an Abu Dhabi-based CNN news anchor, who praises the gathering as “a wonderful scene”.
But footage recorded just behind CNN’s cameras cast some doubt as to the veracity of Anderon’s coverage of the alleged protest. he behind-the-scenes footage, which quickly went viral, shows Anderson calling over the “Muslim Mothers” and positioning them in front of the cameras.
Criticism of what some dubbed CNN’s “fake news” or the “fake protest” spread like wildfire.
According to the original uploader of the behind-the-scenes clip, Mark Antro, CNN not only positioned the demonstrators in front of the cameras for a better shot, but also brought in minority police officers for the filming of the clip.
“Note the white police officers leaving before the CNN shot & the Asian officers coming in,” wrote Antro. “They then left after they went off air!”

CNN has claimed Antro’s footage is misleading, telling Mediaite that the demonstrators were simply allowed through a police cordon at the CNN crew’s request, and that the demonstration was quite real.

You have to be some kind son of a bitch to stab another human being.  Worse, it takes a practiced and soul-less bunch of bastards (CNN) to skew a tale of terror.  CNN says, the report is "quite real."

Quite real.  As genuine as CNN, the Paris Accord, Lord Mayor Khan's concerns and Kathy Griffin's apologies.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

My Take-Away from the Debate Between Shameful and Shameless Last Night

Image result for Hillary and Trump Debate

This guy and his In . . .Native American, half-bree . . .mixed-race son  were out exercising their rights to bear arms in thick wet woods that are more swamp than sound footing. The guy and his kid and his son's pal stalk deer with large bore flintlock rifles, no doubt contemporary to the Presidency of Andy Jackson.  They come on big eight pointer buck and nail him and send his kid's pal back to camp for help lugging the fallen fawn.

In the mean time,  the boys at the camp are happily packing up pelts of all kinds, beaver, elk, mink and fox.  They are happy to be returning to civilization and joking with guy quality hijinks, when all of a sudden a buck-ass naked guy cries out and he's bleeding like stuck antelope.

All of sudden arrows whiz into all and sundry and trappers are dropping like InJu. . .Native Americans in an old Gene Autry movie.

The guys exercise their 2nd Amendment rights and return fire like concealed carry guy in all of them NRA ads.

The guy and his kid hear the shooting and leave the carcass to Nature's timely disunion of cells.

Then the brawl gets going and guys and In. . . . Indigeneous land owners are swinging like  saloon doors on pay day.

"Get to the Boat!"Image result for revenant

Those who have made Nine First Fridays, wear Our Lady's Scapular, or are pretty damn fast and good their mitts make it to boat.
Image result for revenant indian attack
Trouble is Inju . . . Amerinds, to use the latest portmanteau nomenclature with regard to Indiens d'Amérique have the river covered on both sides and are not in the mood to hear Paleface say, " It is time to sit down and begin a National Conversation on Race."


The boys are down to a score and change of voyageurs; actually they ain't voyageurs as voyageurs are French and these guys are white and black Americans in the same boat.

The guy with half-bre . . .mixed race son is the chief guide in this unlucky band of rugged-teers and the other hog with the big nuts is a guy that always says, " Watch out for 'Tree-En Words' meaning Redsk. . .Aboriginal Peoples and obvious hater who's gonna hate.

Not so the other guy who looks like Lenny DiCaprio with whiskers.

Well, the real boss, who the trappers call Captain and is the guy who signs the checks, decides that his group will go the way the guy who ain't racist says to go and sends him out to scout round.

Bad times.  The guy comes upon a couple of bear cubs, cute as the dickens, and Momma Bear madder than a Kennedy Park Mom at  little Maeve's third grade softball game with Mike Cullen as umpire.  Momma charges le grand écrivain américain and goes to town on him from crotch to noggin; turns the poor guy over and road maps his neck, back and rump with her massive claws.

The fight goes all Halloween ,Part Two with not just one but two returns to give Lenny the battered husband coup de graceImage result for revenant

Mr. Climate Change manages to yank a knife from his belt and give the bitch bear a couple of sharp ones and the two go rolling down a hill - Momma Bear todt  and Lenny Alle Beat Scheiße.

The Brigade come looking for Lenny and find him.  Some want to polish him off Fitzgerald (racist Hater) and his toadies and the Captain, young Uncas and his buddy doctored and sew Lenny up and bring him along.   He's too banged up to travel and so they decide to leave him with two guys until he dies, or get's well.  As If!

Tough.Image result for revenant indian attack

Not as tough as Jigs Donahue, but tough.

Fitzy and his snitches are left to deal with Lenny. Image result for revenant When the trappers hit the trail, Fitzy ( another Irish stereotype) tries to smother him, but Lenny's half-br . . .bi-racial  boy catches him and Fitzy stabs him to death and blows.

All this time the Indi. . . the Lamanites are trying to find the Chief's daughter, taken by . . .white men.  They go to the French and get the usual Froggie snotty treatment and continue to make sure that the tribe pees in the Wheaties of the white racist kidnapping American Exceptionalists.  Lenny too.

Fitzy and the guys take care to cover their tracks.

Lenny is buried and the kid ditched in the snow.

Lenny ain't dead and no one is going to pull the old Ray Milland on him.

He pounds himself up and out of the piney crypt and drags his mortal husk around the American West, until a friendly Red. . .Native Landsmann helps him and shares some left over buffalo that a pack of wolves are trying to get and the Inj . . . Good Samaritan is later grabbed by the French and hanged.
Image result for revenant
 You see the Frogs were the ones who grabbed the chief's daughter and had their wicked way with her and the Chief and his boys should be grateful that Lenny helped her, but they go ILM on him and shove him off a cliff.

Here I started to get sleepy and dozed off, but all I missed was that Man Called Horse stuff, where, nothing, but nothing will keep Lenny from exacting revenge on Fitzy.

That's pretty much what I took away from the most important Presidential Debate since Lincoln said nix on a box for Steve Douglas in Galesburg.

Shameful Donald Trump v. Shameless Hillary - shameful can snap out of it, but shameless is permanent.  Hell, Hillary still thinks slaughtering babies is as natural as a Momma bear kicking Lenny DiCaprio to the curb.